- The Montreal World Film Festival presents the most ambitious program of any film event in North America. What it has accomplished over the past 38 years was well characterized by the FIAPF (International Federation of Film Producers Associations), as “an historical festival that contributes to the promotion and discovery of world cinema.” The MWFF is also the only competitive festival in North America accredited annually by FIAPF. Its awards are highly regarded and trumpeted worldwide.
- The quality and diversity of its programming make it an essential cultural event, contributing immeasurably to Montreal’s cultural reputation both at home and abroad. It is the “standard bearer” of Montreal and Quebec arts in international media. The MWFF’s programming is eclectic and appeals to moviegoers of all ages and backgrounds, as well as to professionals. The various sections of the MWFF are designed to allow festivalgoers to discover the talents of student filmmakers along with veteran cineastes, directors who have just made their first film along with seasoned documentarists who are trying to help us understand the multiple aspects of our universe. The MWFF displays this innovative panoply of films year after year. The cinema encompasses all the arts, along with all the facets of humanity.
- The MWFF is not at the exclusive service of any foreign or national cinema, of any pressure group, of any economic interests or beholden corporations. It continues its tireless and independent pursuit of quality cinema, its promotion of cinéma d’auteur and innovative filmmaking, of discovering and promoting new talent and encouraging exchanges between cinema professionals from around the world. In short, it is at the service of quality cinema from whatever source.
- Unlike other “festivals” which establish subsidiaries to market their products, the MWFF has nothing to sell and is purely a cultural institution. In this spirit, as with other great cultural institutions such as orchestras, museums, theater and dance companies, we appeal for your support. We cannot rely on random subsidies to ensure the sustainability of the Festival.
Your donations will serve our goals of discovering and promoting quality cinema and of keeping a window open onto the world, for the benefit of the next generation of filmmakers and filmgoers, from here and abroad. With your generosity we can achieve this.
Receipts for tax purposes will be issued for all donations of $20 or more.